I slow down more and I have my blinker on. He stills stays in my blind spot. This is when I nearly slam the breaks trying to get him to speed up so I can get behind him. There was another car in this lane which is why I couldn't speed up, but he could have.
I'm completely irritated now when he FINALLY speeds up. I dirty look him as he goes past only to discover he is chatting away on his hand held cell phone. This is a BIG TIME NO NO law out here. He then zooms over into the right lane and speeds like a demon down the road. That is when I see the blue lights in the back of his unmarked car. They were not flashing, just there so I could see it was a cop car.
I think about a million times a day the thought, if only there were a cop here right now in relation to some idiot that has done something stupid and dangerous on the road. But what are you supposed to think when it's the cop doing the stupid and dangerous thing?
I don't believe all cops are crooked or anything like that. I think generally people are good, but I do believe there are those take advantage of their position and I think that sucks. They are sucky and they should be subjected to the same rules as the rest of us. Even if it's something like talking on a hand held phone while driving the car... it's a law jerk!
You actually bring up a good point...while its true that probably most of our men/women in blue are good, honest people, there are those who abuse their power. It's true with TSA...here is a group of people who, generally are decent people, thinking they are doing a good thing but then there are the power trippers who wield their postiion around to try to intimidate and harass...ugh...makes me crazy...who polices them?!?