Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why Facebook is Stupid

REMEMBER- THIS IS MY BLOG TO VOICE ALL THE THINGS I SHOULD NEVER SAY.... but am. Forgive me if you think I'm a jerk.. but lets face it.. we are all thinking it.. I"m just gonna say it. Today is a day I'm saying it.

I will never be allowed to stop the dumbest of us in society from speaking, no matter how much I'd like to. Facebook seems to be the place where the stupid comes out of the woodwork.

There are a thousand reasons why facebook is stupid, and yet I'm so addicted I cannot look away... like a train wreck.

The easiest of reasons is because people don't always type what they meant. Words get misconstrued and feelings get hurt. The government will fail, families are torn asunder, and the world comes crashing into the sun and.. sorry.. never mind... you get the point though.

But this post isn't about misunderstandings... it's about stupidness. I don't know if it's inherited or if people just develop it on their own, but lets face it... there are some truly asinine people out there and I seem to know more than I thought I did. Or maybe I just am not reading what they are meaning.. either way.. People say some stupid crap and facebook is a place they get to do it publicly for all of us to read and try not to vomit over the truly dumb-nitudeness of it all. Yup.. dumbnitudeness. I'm gonna patent that word cause it just works.

Now I don't live in a world of peaches and cream. I'm aware that I'm probably just as stupid as quite a large number of the facebook population, but at least I'm confining my stupid to a blog that only a handful of people know about.... unless you are sharing my blog with all your friends so you can point a laugh at the loud mouth chick.. Either way I still win! hehehe

1 comment:

  1. Truer words have never been spoken. I defriended a person because she made public record of their her menstrural cycle...SERIOUSLY?? I thought, at first, that she had been hacked, but nope, she kept it going. What makes her think that's valuable information?!? Thank you for putting this blog together...I see some real therapy in the future!!
